Friday 6 September 2013

Who knew I even wanted this?

It's a lighter, it's a USB drive, you can buy them together! So useful (I suppose).


Monday 2 September 2013

FMK: Harry Potter Edition

Ok, so this is just strange and it feels so wrong to use characters this way. You get three HP characters and you have to choose one to f**k, one to marry and one to kill and obvious you have to do something to each of them.

Let the games begin... (click here to go to page)



Sunday 1 September 2013

A quote, is a quote, is a quote.

At first I thought, how could you mistake quotes from Hitler with Taylor Swift, a seemingly brat of woman who throws a hissy fit every time a boy says he doesn't like her (or so her publicity would have you believe); but then I read the quotes and without context (or pictures of Arian children, Alsatians or concentration camps) it's easier see where the mistakes could be made.

Don't get me wrong, I don't condone anything that was done by the Nazis in WWII and I'm no way some sort of Holocaust denier, I can just, stretch of years separating me from the events, recognise that Hitler really was a very good speaker. I mean he must have been, he basically got as whole country to follow him into madness.

So anyway, for some slightly uncomfortable reading...


(source: /

Friday 23 August 2013

Public servants needs to pay attention during Religious Identification training.

Don’t Fly During Ramadan

A couple of weeks ago, I was scheduled to take a trip from New York (JFK) to Los Angeles on JetBlue. Every year, my family goes on a one-week pilgrimage, where we put our work on hold and spend time visiting temples, praying, and spending time with family and friends. To my Jewish friends, I often explain this trip as vaguely similar to the Sabbath, except we take one week of rest per year, rather than one day per week.

Our family is not Muslim, but by coincidence, this year, our trip happened to be during the last week of Ramadan.

By further coincidence, this was also the same week that I was moving out of my employer-provided temporary housing (at NYU) and moving into my new apartment. The night before my trip, I enlisted the help of two friends and we took most of my belongings, in a couple of suitcases, to my new apartment. The apartment was almost completely unfurnished - I planned on getting new furniture upon my return - so I dropped my few bags (one containing an air mattress) in the corner. Even though I hadn't decorated the apartment yet, in accordance with Hindu custom, I taped a single photograph to the wall in my bedroom — a long-haired saint with his hands outstretched in pronam (a sign of reverence and respect).

Read more here...

Well this is just too much..

I like fandom, I like to think I'm fannish, but come one guys, can you roll anything else into this picture?


History is so dry it needs all of the jokes it can get...

I giggled through all of these.


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Intrigued when I read the title, disturbed by the end of the page.

When you read a title like : 'The 18 Most Insane Sex Toys For Sale On Etsy', you know it's going to be strange.

and when the first image is a crotchet dildo...
